Vol. 16
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Design of Wideband Substrate Integrated Circular Cavity (SICC) Filter Using TM01 Mode Coupling
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 16, 79-87, 2010
A novel type of wideband SICC filter using TM01 mode coupling by the circular hole between the SICCs is proposed. Of circular symmetry, the TM01 mode in SICC demonstrates the advantages of compact and high flexibility of the filter's input and output setting. In order to validate the new proposed topology, three filter prototypes with different included angle between input and output have been designed and manufactured. The filters exhibit a low insertion loss of -1 dB in the 12.8 to 20 GHz, a wide relative bandwidth of 54.5% at -3 dB, high flexibility and very good agreement with simulation data.
Boren Zheng, Zhiqin Zhao, and Youxin Lv, "Design of Wideband Substrate Integrated Circular Cavity (SICC) Filter Using TM01 Mode Coupling," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 16, 79-87, 2010.

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