Vol. 18
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Tamm States of a Nonlinear Slab Sandwiched Between a Uniform Medium and a One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 18, 115-124, 2010
In this paper, the surface states (or so called Tamm states) of a nonlinear self-focusing slab sandwiched between a uniform medium and a one-dimensional photonic crystal has been investigated based on the first integral of nonlinear Helmholtz wave equation. The consider slabs can be a left-handed metamaterial or a conventional material. It is shown that the structure can support the Tamm states with two different transverse electric structure. In one kind, the surface waves has a hump at the surface of photonic crystal, and the other one has two humps. We reveal that in the case of self-focusing left-handed metamaterial slab, there is possibility for change of total flow's direction of surface waves by adjusting of the intensity of exciting electromagnetic field.
Zahra Eyni, Samad Roshan Entezar, Abdolrahman Namdar, and Habib Tajalli, "Tamm States of a Nonlinear Slab Sandwiched Between a Uniform Medium and a One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 18, 115-124, 2010.

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