Vol. 18
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Electromagnetic Scattering from a Chiral-Coated Nihility Cylinder
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 18, 41-50, 2010
Scattering of electromagnetic plane waves from an infinitely long nihility cylinder, coated with a chiral layer of uniform thickness, is presented. Cylindrical vector wave functions have been used to express the fields in different regions. The solution is determined by solving the wave equation for different regions and applying the appropriate boundary conditions at the discontinuities. Both TM and TE polarizations as incident plane wave have been considered in the analysis. Obtained Numerical results for the chiral-coated nihility cylinder are compared with a chiral-coated PEC cylinder.
Shakeel Ahmed, and Qaisar Naqvi, "Electromagnetic Scattering from a Chiral-Coated Nihility Cylinder," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 18, 41-50, 2010.

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