Vol. 17
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Miniature Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structure Using Spiral Ground Plane
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 17, 163-170, 2010
An important application of electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures is reducing the mutual coupling and eliminating the scan blindness for array antennas. However, some array antennas have small element spacing,and traditional mushroom-like EBG materials are too large. Under this condition, miniature EBG structures are desired for these array antennas. In this paper, a novel method using spiral ground plane is proposed to reduce EBG structure sizes. A low frequency band-gap can be obtained by adjusting the width and length of the spiral arms. An experimental prototype is fabricated to validate the analysis. The measurement results show a good agreement with the simulation data. Compared with traditional mushroom-like EBG structures, the proposed EBG achieves more than 77% size diminution.
Huan-Huan Xie, Yong-Chang Jiao, Kun Song, and Bin Yang, "Miniature Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structure Using Spiral Ground Plane," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 17, 163-170, 2010.

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