Vol. 22
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Self-Focused Pulses in Two-Dimensional Composite Right- and Left-Handed Transmission Lines Periodically Loaded with Schottky Varactors
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 22, 29-38, 2011
We experimentally characterize the pulse propagation in two-dimensional composite right- and left-handed transmission lines periodically loaded with Schottky varactors. A properly designed line structure should produce that nonlinearity rendered by the varactors creating a self-focused pulse on the line and finally collapses, which allows it to be engineered for pulse processing systems. We built a test breadboard line and observed self-focused pulses.
Jun Ogasawara, and Koichi Narahara, "Self-Focused Pulses in Two-Dimensional Composite Right- and Left-Handed Transmission Lines Periodically Loaded with Schottky Varactors," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 22, 29-38, 2011.

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