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Analytic and Numerically Efficient Scattering Equations for an Infinitely Flanged Coaxial Line
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 28, 149-158, 2012
An infinitely flanged coaxial line is analytically solved with the mode-matching technique and Green's function to propose a precise yet fast-convergent scattering solution for complex permittivity measurement. Based on virtual current cancelation, we formulate the open half-space fields in terms of coaxial modes and related Green's functions and thus obtain the simultaneous equations with rapidly convergent integrals. Numerical computations were performed in terms of reflection coefficients and radiation patterns.
Yong Heui Cho, "Analytic and Numerically Efficient Scattering Equations for an Infinitely Flanged Coaxial Line," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 28, 149-158, 2012.

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