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A Modified Cauchy Method Suitable for Duplexer and Triplexer Rational Models Extraction
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 29, 201-211, 2012
A modified Cauchy method which generates accurate duplexer and triplexer rational models from either measurements or electromagnetic analysis is presented in this paper. The modified Cauchy method has some advantages over the conventional Cauchy method because it takes into account the relationship between the transmission coefficients of each channel filter and reflection coefficient. It is suitable for duplexer and triplexer whose channel filters are connected through resonating junction. The total least square method is used to solve the system matrix. Synthesized numerical duplexer and triplexer examples verify the method successfully.
Yong-Liang Zhang, Tao Su, Bian Wu, Jia Chen, and Chang-Hong Liang, "A Modified Cauchy Method Suitable for Duplexer and Triplexer Rational Models Extraction," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 29, 201-211, 2012.

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