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Regional Variability of Rain DROP Size Distribution Model in India
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 34, 123-135, 2012
Present study shows the development of integrated rain drop size distribution (DSD) model and gives a comparative study with DSDs of different regions in India. This work is useful for estimation of rain induced attenuation. Rain data of five different regions (Ahmedabad, Shillong, Thiruvananthapuram, Kharagpur and Hasan) was used for this work. Attenuation characteristics are different for different regions because DSD varies according to the climatic conditions. Development of DSD model for each location is not feasible. It is a demand to develop a integrated DSD model which gives the tolerable error in DSD for different regions, so that, it can be adjusted in fade margin of the communication system. The result of this work shows the good correlation between the proposed integrated DSD model and DSDs of different regions.
Anurag Vidyarthi, Bhajan Singh Jassal, Ravi Gowri, and Ashish Kumar Shukla, "Regional Variability of Rain DROP Size Distribution Model in India," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 34, 123-135, 2012.

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