Vol. 54
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A Modified Coupled-Line Schiffman Phase Shifter with Short Reference Line
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 54, 17-27, 2014
A coupled-line circuit structure is proposed in this paper to design a modified Schiffman phase shifter with short reference line. Based on the traditional transmission line theory and ABCD parameters, closed-form mathematical equations for electrical and scattering parameters are obtained. Obviously, this proposed coupled-line phase shifter has several advantages such as arbitrary phase difference, easy implementation, and analytical design method. Finally, two examples of microstrip coupled-line phase shifter, which have fractional bandwidth over 45%, are fabricated and measured. Good agreements between the simulated and measured results verify our design.
Weiwei Zhang, Yuan'an Liu, Yongle Wu, Weimin Wang, Ming Su, and Jinchun Gao, "A Modified Coupled-Line Schiffman Phase Shifter with Short Reference Line," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 54, 17-27, 2014.

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