Vol. 54
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A Novel Smiley Fractal Antenna (Sfa) Design and Development for UWB Wireless Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 54, 171-178, 2014
Ultra Wideband (UWB) has been deliberated as a promising technology for short-range wireless communication with large unlicensed frequency band for commercial, enterprise private and public uses. Designing an antenna of compact size for portable wireless devices is one of the challenges especially for UWB based wireless communication technologies. In this paper, a novel smiley fractal antenna, employed with N-notch feed and modified ground plane, is designed and developed to achieve the desired characteristics. The proposed antenna is of compact size with dimensions of 34×32×1.6 mm3, fabricated on an FR-4 substrate with εr=4.4. The radiation pattern of the proposed antenna is omni-directional with a maximum gain of 4.83 dB and efficiency of 93.55% obtained through 3D electromagnetic simulation software tools. The simulated results are compared with measured ones using RF equipment. The results obtained show that the proposed Smiley Fractal Antenna (SFA) is a suitable candidate for UWB wireless communication application.
Mohandoss Susila, Thipparaju Rama Rao, and Aman Gupta, "A Novel Smiley Fractal Antenna (Sfa) Design and Development for UWB Wireless Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 54, 171-178, 2014.

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