Vol. 64
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A UHF Third Order 5-Bit Digital Tunable Bandpass Filter Based on Mixed Coupled Open Ring Resonators
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 89-96, 2016
This paper presents a third-order digital tunable bandpass filter based on digitally tunable capacitor loaded microstrip open ring resonator. Magnetic dominated mixed coupling is utilized to make the coupling coefficient meet the requirement of stable bandwidth response. Electric source-load coupling is designed to generate a transmission zero for improving the frequency selectivity. This filter is designed, fabricated and measured. The measurement shows that the filter can be digitally tuned by 5-bits pure digital command. The fractional bandwidth is 9±1%, and the tuning range is from 410 MHz to 820 MHz.
Mingye Fu, Qian-Yin Xiang, Dan Zhang, Dengyao Tian, and Quanyuan Feng, "A UHF Third Order 5-Bit Digital Tunable Bandpass Filter Based on Mixed Coupled Open Ring Resonators," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 64, 89-96, 2016.

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