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A Compact Differential-Fed Half-Elliptic Monopole Antenna with Triple Band-Notched Function
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 62, 35-40, 2016
A compact half-elliptic monopole antenna with triple notched-bands for UWB application, which is driven with differential feeding systems, is proposed. The basic antenna consists of two symmetrical half-elliptic patches and a modified ground plane. To reject the 5.5-GHz WLAN band effectively, two pairs of Ω-shaped strips are placed as parasitic elements close to the feedline. By introducing rectangular SRRs and an Ω-shaped slot on the radiators, the operating bands of 3.5-GHz WiMAX and 8-GHz ITU can be notched, respectively. Compared with conventional singleended feed antennas, the proposed differential-fed antenna can achieve better polarization purity, especially in the high-frequency band.
Yuan Xu, Hui Li, Ying-Zeng Yin, and Zhichao Deng, "A Compact Differential-Fed Half-Elliptic Monopole Antenna with Triple Band-Notched Function," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 62, 35-40, 2016.

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