Vol. 67
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A Printed Circularly Polarized Loop Antenna with Beam Parallel with Its Plane
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 67, 25-32, 2017
A printed loop antenna with a circularly polarized beam parallel with its plane is proposed. The proposed quadrangle loop antenna is fed with microstrip line at one of its corners. The microstrip line part and loop part provide vertical polarization and horizontal polarization, respectively. The proposed antenna is simple in structure and can be easily integrated with other microwave components on the same substrate. Simulated results show that the proposed antenna has a wide impedance bandwidth (|S11| < −10 dB) and wide 3-dB AR bandwidth ranging from 8.0 to 10.5 GHz (27%). A prototype of the proposed antenna is fabricated and tested. The measured and simulated results have good agreement.
Ya-Li Yao, Fu-Shun Zhang, and Fan Zhang, "A Printed Circularly Polarized Loop Antenna with Beam Parallel with Its Plane," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 67, 25-32, 2017.

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