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Determination of Surface and Sub-Surface Cracks Location in Beams Using Rayleigh-Waves
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 80, 233-247, 2018
Structural buildings are vulnerable to many types of damages that can occur through their life period. These damages may cause structure failure or at least decrease its efficiency. Dangerous damages occurring in concrete structures are surface opening cracks or sub-surface cracks. So, the determination of location of these cracks is very important, because the crack location is one of the important factors that affect the degree of danger of the damage. The Rayleigh waves have many advantages, as they can be easily recognized due to the maximum energy of the wave components. So, it was used to determine the crack location in the previous works. In this paper, two different techniques are used to determine the crack location; one of them depends on the healthy case, and the other deals only with the cracked case. Common finite element software (Abaqus) is used to model the numerical simulation, and the experimental test is also performed to verify the obtained numerical results. Good agreement between the simulated and experimental results is obtained by employing both techniques to find the crack location.
Atef Eraky, Rania Samir, Walid Saber El-Deeb, and Abdallah Salama, "Determination of Surface and Sub-Surface Cracks Location in Beams Using Rayleigh-Waves," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 80, 233-247, 2018.

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