Vol. 75
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Design of Compact Bandpass Filters Using Sixteenth Mode and Thirty-Second Mode SIW Cavities
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 75, 61-66, 2018
This paper presents two novel bandpass filters using sixteenth mode substrate integrated waveguide (SMSIW) and thirty-second mode SIW (TMSIW) cavities, respectively. The overall size of SMSIW and TMSIW cavities can be reduced by a factor of 15/16 and 31/32 in comparison to the filters designed in the conventional SIW resonator, while keeping almost the same resonant frequency. Based on SMSIW cavity, a first-order filter with the center frequency of 2.45GHz and a transmission zero (TZ) located at the upper-stopband is proposed. The second-order TMSIW cavity filter exhibits one TZ at the lower-stopband and two TZs at the upper-stopband, and it has a better performance of the passband than the former with the same size and center frequency. It also has a wider upper-stopband with suppression of an unwanted harmonic at 7.6GHz. Two intersecting rectangular slots are etched between the two cavities with a smaller angle between them of 30 degrees. The whole size of the filter is 24.2 mm×29.1 mm×0.508 mm. The filters are fabricated in SIW technology, and the frequency response shows good agreement between simulated and measured results.
Ya-Na Yang, Guo Hui Li, Li Sun, Wei Yang, and Xuexia Yang, "Design of Compact Bandpass Filters Using Sixteenth Mode and Thirty-Second Mode SIW Cavities," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 75, 61-66, 2018.

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