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Self-Adaptive Dynamic Differential Evolution Applied to BER Reduction with Beamforming Techniques for Ultra Wideband MU-MIMO Systems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 87, 187-197, 2018
This paper introduces an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) circle antenna array with beam forming techniques that combine Self-Adaptive Dynamic Differential Evolution (SADDE) which is capable to minimize the Bit Error Rate (BER) for Multi-User Multiple Input Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) in indoor communication system. By using the ray tracing techniques to compute any given indoor wireless environment, the impulse response of the system can be calculated, and the BER can be computed accordingly. Next, we analyze the BER performance of the UWB MU-MIMO system that applies beam forming for spatial division multiple accesses. Numerical results show that the SADDE can control the antenna feed length to reduce the BER and form the radiation beam pattern towards the direction of the desired signals while forming nulls to co-channel interferers for MU-MIMO system.
Chien-Ching Chiu, Guan-Da Lai, and Yu-Ting Cheng, "Self-Adaptive Dynamic Differential Evolution Applied to BER Reduction with Beamforming Techniques for Ultra Wideband MU-MIMO Systems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 87, 187-197, 2018.

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