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Solar Measurements for 21 cm Wavelength Using 3 m Radio Telescope
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 85, 17-24, 2019
Solar hydrogen line emission has been observed at the frequency of 1.42 GHz (21 cm wavelength) with 3 m radio telescope installed inside the University of Baghdad campus. Several measurements related to the sun have been conducted and computed from the radio telescope spectrometer. These measurements cover the solar brightness temperature, antenna temperature, solar radio flux, and the antenna gain of the radio telescope. The results demonstrate that the maximum antenna temperature, solar brightness temperature, and solar flux density are found to be 970 K, 49600 K, and 70 SFU respectively. These results show perfect correlation with recent published studies.
Uday E. Jallod, and Kamal M. Abood, "Solar Measurements for 21 cm Wavelength Using 3 m Radio Telescope," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 85, 17-24, 2019.

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