Vol. 109
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Wide Bandwidth Low Profile PIFA Antenna for Vehicular Sub-6 GHz 5G and V2X Wireless Systems
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 109, 257-273, 2021
This paper introduces a low profile wideband Planar Inverted-F antenna (PIFA) for vehicular applications in the 5G systems (below 6 GHz) and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. The antenna covers a wide range of bandwidth which operates from 617 MHz to 6 GHz while having an acceptable filtering on the GNSS bands. This design's physical dimensions and electrical performance make it suitable for low profile wireless applications in the automotive field. Measurement data on Ground plane (GND) and on vehicle are presented from a properly cut metal sheet prototype along with simulated results of the model design. Simulation and measurement results are discussed in terms of VSWR, surface current distribution, radiation patterns, antenna efficiency, and linear average gain (LAG).
Ahmad Yacoub, Mohamed Khalifa, and Daniel N. Aloi, "Wide Bandwidth Low Profile PIFA Antenna for Vehicular Sub-6 GHz 5G and V2X Wireless Systems," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 109, 257-273, 2021.

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