Vol. 100
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6-Meter Beam Waveguide Antenna for Ground Based Terahertz Telescope
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 100, 35-43, 2021
This paper discusses the design of a 6-m Cassegrain optics based multiband reflector antenna integrated with beam waveguide (BWG) optics, which consists of an ellipsoidal mirror and three plane mirrors. The presented antenna has been simulated, and 75.8% and 76.8% aperture efficiencies have been achieved at 0.225 THz and 0.338 THz, respectively. The initial design parameters of elements of BWG network are computed using fundamental Gaussian beam parameters. The simulated results of the antenna including aperture efficiency have been presented and discussed in detail. The antenna has been designed for the ground based THz telescope for radio astronomy.
Vijay Kumar Singh, Yogesh Tyagi, Pratik Mevada, Soumyabrata B. Chakrabarty, and Milind Mahajan, "6-Meter Beam Waveguide Antenna for Ground Based Terahertz Telescope," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 100, 35-43, 2021.

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