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Metasurface Incorporated Frequency Reconfigurable Planar Antenna for Wireless Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 113, 265-275, 2021
In this paper, the design of a Metasurface incorporated Frequency Reconfigurable Planar Antenna (MS-FRPA) for Wireless Applications is presented. The structure of projected MS-FRPA consists of a patch with a metasurface placed one above the other with no gap between them. The MS is composed of an array of alternately placed dual split ring resonators arranged periodically in both horizontal and vertical directions. Frequency reconfiguration is achieved by rotating the MS relative to the designed patch antenna. The projected reconfigurable antenna is constructed on Rogers RO4350B material with thickness 1.524 mm. High Frequency Structure Simulator software is employed for analysis of the structure. The results clearly reveal that frequency tuning is achieved in 4.35 to 5.33 GHz with a fractional tuning range of 20.2%. The proposed structure provides appreciable realized gain with stable radiation patterns at all rotation angles. Further, the measured outcomes of the developed prototype show good correlation with the simulated outcomes.
Navneet Kaur, Jagtar Singh Sivia, and Rajni, "Metasurface Incorporated Frequency Reconfigurable Planar Antenna for Wireless Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 113, 265-275, 2021.

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