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On the Role of Time-Frequency Analysis for Joint DOD-DOA Estimation for Bistatic MIMO Radars
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 114, 233-246, 2021
RAdio Detection And Ranging (RADAR) is an essential tool used extensively to detect a target's presence within the vicinity characterized by the range of the RADAR. In order to localize the target, Direction of Departure (DOD) and Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimations are utilized. To make it more convenient, a bistatic multiple input multiple output (MIMO) configuration is exploited to deduce the position of a target through the triangulation method easily. Furthermore, due to the maneuvering of targets in space, more robust direction finding solutions can be derived using Time-Frequency (TF) representations. Thus, this paper aims to leverage the benefits of TF analysis for the estimation of DOD and DOA jointly for a bistatic MIMO radar. The performance of the considered method is numerically evaluated and is compared against the conventional algorithms that do not use TF tools and as well compared against the Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB). The results show that TF based approach may be a promising candidate in terms of its robustness against channel noise. Also, the performance of the TF based DOD-DOA estimates is studied in terms of their consistency and resolvability of targets which measures the performance in a multi-target environment. Finally, the use-case of TF based estimation to solve the problem in the presence of coherent targets is analysed through simulations and inferred.
Yashvanth Lakshminarasimhan, Roshaan Soundarapandian, and Palanisamy Ponnusamy, "On the Role of Time-Frequency Analysis for Joint DOD-DOA Estimation for Bistatic MIMO Radars," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 114, 233-246, 2021.

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