Vol. 100
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Highly Flexible Uniplanar Dual-Band Power Divider for Arbitrary Source and Load Impedances
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 100, 159-167, 2021
In this paper, a dual-band impedance transforming power divider is investigated for all types of impedance environments at its ports, irrespective of the locations of the ports. The intuitive design approach utilizes conventional single-band Wilkinson Power Divider (WPD) architecture to provide the superior dual-band performance with arbitrary port impedances. The proposed power divider also accords a high degree of design flexibility with high frequency ratios (r) and impedance transformation ratios (k). The presented concept is evaluated and verified by design examples and measurements with a fabricated prototype. The agreement between the simulation and measurement results validates the working of the proposed architecture with arbitrary source and load port impedances at two arbitrary design frequencies.
Rahul Gupta, Maher Assaad, and Mohammad S. Hashmi, "Highly Flexible Uniplanar Dual-Band Power Divider for Arbitrary Source and Load Impedances," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 100, 159-167, 2021.

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