Vol. 105
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A Filtering Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using CPW-Fed for Sub-6 GHz Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 105, 49-56, 2022
A filtering dielectric resonator antenna (FDRA) using an inductive CPW (coplanar waveguide) feed structure is proposed. Simultaneously, a pair of slotline stubs are respectively loaded on the signal line and ground of the CPW feed structure, which is used to generate radiation nulls near the edges of the passband. Furthermore, the two radiation nulls can be controlled independently by adjusting the length of the loaded two pairs of slotline stubs. In addition, it is interesting that TE111 mode is split due to the different loading effects of slotline stubs in feed network, thereby three resonances in the passband are formed. Finally, an FDRA with quasi-elliptic function response is realized without additional filtering circuit. The prototype of the FDRA operating at 3.53 GHz was fabricated and measured to verify the design validity. The measured results show that the impedance bandwidth is 13.6% (3.29-3.77 GHz); the gain is basically stable at 5.7 dBi wihtin the passband; and the two radiation nulls are located at 3.05 GHz and 3.88 GHz, respectively.
Chuanyun Wang, Lina Wang, Yonghua Zhang, Weikang Hu, and Xiaofeng Jiang, "A Filtering Dielectric Resonator Antenna Using CPW-Fed for Sub-6 GHz Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 105, 49-56, 2022.

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