Vol. 105
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Compact Permittivity Tuning Using Reconfigurable Substrate Block for Microwave Tuning Design
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 105, 155-161, 2022
In this work, a permittivity tuning method using a reconfigurable substrate block is presented. The ratio of two substrate blocks with different permittivities is proved to construct a new permittivity level. This method is validated on a microstrip line, where the theory and simulation show a good agreement with a maximal permittivity calculation difference of less than 5%. In the implementation, only two pieces of substrate blocks with high and low permittivity levels respectively are needed, and it can be utilized for future flexible microwave tuning design.
Peng Zhang, Xiong Chen, and Ming Yu, "Compact Permittivity Tuning Using Reconfigurable Substrate Block for Microwave Tuning Design," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 105, 155-161, 2022.

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