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A New Unterminating Method for De-Embedding the Coaxial to Waveguide Transitions
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 121, 255-264, 2022
A new unterminating method for coaxial to waveguide transitions is presented. The coaxial to waveguide transitions are modelled and the ABCD matrices of the transitions are obtained. The measured scattering parameters for the thru and short-circuit calibration standards match well the simulated scattering parameters computed from the ABCD matrices. To complete the validation of the proposed unterminating method, this method is applied to the measurement of complex relative permittivity for three different dielectric materials, by using the Nicolson-Ross-Weir (NRW) transmission/reflection method. The dielectric samples are inserted one by one into a waveguide section, which is connected between two coaxial to waveguide transitions. The two transitions are de-embedded from the measured scattering parameters of the embedded waveguide section, by using the method proposed in this paper. The values obtained for the complex relative permittivity are in good agreement with those reported by other authors, for all three dielectric materials. The results presented in this paper were obtained for a frequency band ranging from 25 to 40 GHz.
Stefan Simion, "A New Unterminating Method for De-Embedding the Coaxial to Waveguide Transitions," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 121, 255-264, 2022.

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