Vol. 106
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UWB Antenna as a Sensor for the Analysis of Dissolved Particles and Water Quality
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 106, 31-39, 2022
This paper aims to test the concentration of dissolved particles such as salt and sugar in a water sample and also test the quality of water. Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) antenna has been designed and used to test the water sample. The proposed UWB antenna has been resonated from 3.2 GHz to 10.6 GHz. The fractional bandwidth of the UWB antenna is 1.15. The measured antenna's characteristics were in good agreement with the simulated results. Then, the designed UWB antenna was used as a sensor on the water samples such as distilled water, rainwater, pond water, seawater, and Reverse Osmosis (RO) water. Hence, this paper explains the concentration of dissolved particles and testing of the quality of the water sample by using the return loss characteristics of the antenna when it is immersed in the water sample. This technique can be further extended for testing the quality of any other liquids.
Jeyagobi Logeswaran, and Rajasekar Boopathi Rani, "UWB Antenna as a Sensor for the Analysis of Dissolved Particles and Water Quality," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 106, 31-39, 2022.

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