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Performance Optimization of Optical Access Networks Using Two Optical Amplifiers EYDWA and SOA in Cascade
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 110, 1-10, 2023
This work aims to evaluate the contribution of cascaded optical amplifiers in improving the performance of optical communication systems in optical access networks. This study is thus carried out by a system simulation software which presents results concerning the characteristic parameters of two optical amplifiers, EYDWA (Erbium Ytterbium Doped Waveguide Amplifier) and SOA (Semiconductor Optical Amplifier) used in cascade, namely their gains, the length of the guide and the concentration of ions.
Belabbes Berrahal, Amina Bendaoudi, and Zoubir Mahdjoub, "Performance Optimization of Optical Access Networks Using Two Optical Amplifiers EYDWA and SOA in Cascade," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 110, 1-10, 2023.

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