Vol. 111
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Novel Passive Intermodulation Measurement Platform for Planar Microwave Circuit
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 111, 27-34, 2023
This paper presents a novel test platform for passive intermodulation measurement on planar microwave circuits using a filter design strategy. A finger planar band-pass filter is proposed and optimized to have an evenly distributed stimulation field on the surface. The layout is optimized with symmetrical coupling lines from two directions, and the feed line is with a tapered transformer. A pair of T-type resonators is adopted to improve the flatness of the field distribution. In the application of this test platform, print circuit boards with different layouts are tested, and the passive intermodulation difference of different layouts can be differentiated. As this platform is with open space, the device under test can be easily changed without suspending the passive intermodulation test system, which can be applied in the production line to speed up the production quality inspection.
Junqiang Yang, Xiong Chen, and Qianwen Chen, "Novel Passive Intermodulation Measurement Platform for Planar Microwave Circuit," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 111, 27-34, 2023.

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