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An Active Flux Model-Based Sensorless Flux Weakening Control Algorithm for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 116, 39-45, 2024
In order to improve the stability of sensorless high-speed operation of permanent magnet synchronous motors and effectively expand the speed range, a voltage closed-loop flux weakening sensorless algorithm based on the active flux model is proposed. Firstly, the mathematical model of sensorless control of the PMSM is designed based on the active flux model, and the state of the PMSM flux weakening operation is analyzed. Then, based on the voltage closed-loop flux weakening control method, the corresponding flux weakening control algorithm is analyzed and designed. Meanwhile, based on the active flux model, the speed and rotor position of the motor are observed by sliding mode observer and phase-locked loop method. After that, the flux weakening control method and the sensorless control method are combined to realize the sensorless flux weakening control method to improve the stability of the control system. Finally, the proposed algorithm is validated on the experimental platform. The experimental results show that the proposed method can prevent the system from losing control during flux weakening processes, effectively improve system stability, and have smaller angle errors. The speed convergence time is shortened by 80% compared to the non flux weakening control.
Kun Li, Lin Wang, and Yilin Zhu, "An Active Flux Model-Based Sensorless Flux Weakening Control Algorithm for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 116, 39-45, 2024.

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