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Soliton Parameter Dynamics in a Non-Kerr Law Media
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 1, 1-35, 2008
The adiabatic parameter dynamics of non-Kerr law optical solitons is obtained in this paper by the aid of soliton perturbation theory. The various kinds of perturbation terms that arise exhaustively in the context of optical solitons are considered in this paper. The new conserved quantity is also used to obtain the adiabatic dynamics of the soliton phase in all cases of non-Kerr laws studied in this paper. The non-Kerr law nonlinearities that are considered in this paper are power law, parabolic law as well as the dual-power law.
Anjan Biswas, Russell Kohl, Matthew Edwards, and Essaid Zerrad, "Soliton Parameter Dynamics in a Non-Kerr Law Media," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 1, 1-35, 2008.

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