Vol. 21
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Wireless Networks Interference and Security Protection by Means of Vegetation Barriers
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 21, 223-236, 2011
The success of wireless technologies could paradoxically leads to a collapse in their performance: the interference between adjacent networks and the attacks done by users from outside the expected coverage limits are two important enemies to the well function of the networks. The proposal of this paper is simple but efficient: the use of vegetation barriers to create shadowing areas with excess attenuations in the edge of the service area, in order to reduce the coverage distance of each wireless node, reducing the possible interference to other networks as well as improving security aspects by minimizing the signal strength outside the service area.
Jose E. Acuna, Inigo Cuinas, and Paula Gómez, "Wireless Networks Interference and Security Protection by Means of Vegetation Barriers," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 21, 223-236, 2011.

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doi: --- Either ISSN or Journal title must be supplied.