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Computation of the Modes of Elliptic Waveguides with a Curvilinear 2D Frequency-Domain Finite-Difference Approach
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 26, 69-84, 2012
A scalar Frequency-Domain Finite-Difference approach to the mode computation of elliptic waveguides is presented. The use of an elliptic cylindrical grid allows us to take exactly into account the curved boundary of the structure and a single mesh has been used both for TE and TM modes. As a consequence, a high accuracy is obtained with a reduced computational burden, since the resulting matrix is highly sparse.
Alessandro Fanti, Giuseppe Mazzarella, Giorgio Montisci, and Giovanni Andrea Casula, "Computation of the Modes of Elliptic Waveguides with a Curvilinear 2D Frequency-Domain Finite-Difference Approach," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 26, 69-84, 2012.

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