Vol. 30
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Analytical Investigation of Periodic Coplanar Waveguides
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 167-181, 2013
This paper presents an analytical formula to evaluate even- and odd-mode characteristics of infinitely parallel coplanar waveguides (CPW) with the same dimensions in each CPW, given name as periodic coplanar waveguides (PCPW). The analysis yields a closed-form expression based on the quasi-TEM assumption and conformal mapping transformation. Calculated results show that both the even- and odd-mode characteristic impedances are in good agreements with the results generated by numerical solvers and available experimental data. The results are important especially for highly demand on miniaturization of circuit design to place multiple CPWs in parallel.
Teng-Kai Chen, and Gregory H. Huff, "Analytical Investigation of Periodic Coplanar Waveguides," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 30, 167-181, 2013.

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