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Time Reversal for Soft Faults Diagnosis in Wire Networks
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 31, 45-58, 2013
Time-reversal (TR) invariance of the wave equation in lossless transmission line (TL) is here introduced as an improvement for fault-detection techniques in wire networks. This new approach is applied to reflectometry in wire diagnosis. To test the efficiency of this method, the reverse time algorithm simulated with FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) is developed in a one dimension space. It uses a new signal processing and an adapted signal to the wire under test for diagnosing the fault in the wire. In addition the interest of the convolution product between the incident signal and the output signal from this reverse time method will be also shown and applied in this paper. Through numerical simulations and experimental results measured on coaxial cable, the benefits of this method have been illustrated.
Lola El Sahmarany, Laure Berry, Nicolas Ravot, Fabrice Auzanneau, and Pierre Bonnet, "Time Reversal for Soft Faults Diagnosis in Wire Networks," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 31, 45-58, 2013.

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