Vol. 40
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Analysis of Effect of Korean Offshore Wind Farms on Accuracy of X-Band Tracking Radar
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 40, 195-204, 2014
Many government-led wind farms are being constructed in Korea as sources of clean and renewable energy. However, construction of these wind farms is continuously opposed by nearby military bases that operate X-band tracking radar because the amplitude and phase of the electromagnetic waves reflected from the wind turbines may interfere with tracking radars installed along the coastline of the Korean peninsula. This paper proposes a method to analyze the effect of a wind farm on tracking radar, and presents the results of using the radar cross section of the blade of a real turbine predicted by the method of physical optics. Simulation results using various flight scenarios demonstrate that the tracking accuracy may be considerably degraded; thus appropriate action is required to eliminate this effect.
Joo-Ho Jung, In-O Choi, Kyung-Tae Kim, and Sang-Hong Park, "Analysis of Effect of Korean Offshore Wind Farms on Accuracy of X-Band Tracking Radar," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 40, 195-204, 2014.

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12. Jung, J. H. and S. H. Park, "Efficient classification of low-resolution range profiles of automobiles using a combination of useful features," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 139, 373-387, 2013.

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14. Kim, K. T., J. I. Park, and S. H. Park, "Motion compensation for squint mode spotlight SAR imaging using efficient 2D interpolation," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 128, 503-518, 2012.

15. Park, S.-H., J. -H. Lee, and K.-T. Kim, "Performance analysis of the scenario-based construction method for real target ISAR recognition," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 128, 137-151, 2012.

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