Vol. 52
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A Novel Resistance Network Node Potential Measurement Method and Application in Grounding Grids Corrosion Diagnosis
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 52, 9-20, 2016
In this paper, a novel resistance network node potential measurement technique based on 16-channel cycle method is presented, and a grounding grids corrosion diagnosis measurement system with 16 channels is built from this method. Through this measurement system, 1,680 valid potential data and 1,560 effective branch voltage data can be collected in one measurement by only 16 accessible node downleads on the grounding grid. The stability error of the excitation current source is less than 0.15%, and the error of the applicable acquisition data is about 1% according to system data tests. Built on the measurements, an underdetermined sensitivity equation for solving the increasing multiple of branch resistance is put in place to determine the corrosion status of grounding grids. The experimental results show that the plenty of data is necessary when solving the underdetermined equation and also show that the system is under a high stability, high accuracy, and can comply with the requirements of corrosion diagnosis for grounding grids.
Kai Liu, Fan Yang, Xiaoyu Wang, Bing Gao, Xiaokuo Kou, Manling Dong, and Ammad Jadoon, "A Novel Resistance Network Node Potential Measurement Method and Application in Grounding Grids Corrosion Diagnosis," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 52, 9-20, 2016.

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