Vol. 52
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Electrodeless Measurement Technique of Complex Dielectric Permittivity of High-k Dielectric Films in the Millimeter Wavelength Range
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 52, 161-167, 2016
An electrodeless measurement technique of complex dielectric permittivity of high-K dielectric films is described. The technique is based on a quasi-optic Fabry-Perot resonator and modified for investigation of two-layer dielectric structures --- substrate/K-film. This procedure is destined to be used for providing a simple intermediate control of parameters of high-K films before the following technological process. Regimes of measurements providing the most sensitive conditions for definition of film parameters are considered. The proposed method is tested on two-layer structures with well-known parameters and is used for characterization of ferroelectric (Ba,Sr)TiO3 films in the millimeter wavelength range (~50 GHz).
Igor V. Kotelnikov, Andrey Altynnikov, Anatoly Konstantinovich Mikhailov, Valentina V. Medvedeva, and Andrey B. Kozyrev, "Electrodeless Measurement Technique of Complex Dielectric Permittivity of High-k Dielectric Films in the Millimeter Wavelength Range," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 52, 161-167, 2016.

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