Vol. 63
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A Compact Coplanar Waveguide Fed Wideband Monopole Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 63, 175-184, 2018
For energy harvesting applications a new design of a coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed monopole antenna is presented. It covers almost all useful band ranges from 900 MHz-9.9 GHz (Radio, GSM, ISM, UWB bands). It also provides band reject characteristics for the range 3.1 GHz-5.6 GHz (HIPERLAN, C-Band, and W-LAN) to avoid interference from this range. The new design is based on the modification of coplanar waveguide (CPW) structure and optimizing the gap between patch and CPW ground for covering the ultra wideband (UWB) range and other useful ranges (Radio, GSM and ISM). Bandwidth enhancement and impedance matching for UWB range have been obtained by chamfering the corners, cutting two slots in CPW ground and dual stubs. The new design incorporates a parasitic patch above the antenna patch for tunning the desired band rejection. The entire design has been optimized at various stages during its evolution. The structure is compact in size 50×40×1.6 mm3. It may also be used for mobile, military and satellite applications.
Monika Mathur, Ankit Agrawal, Ghanshyam Singh, and Satish Kumar Bhatnagar, "A Compact Coplanar Waveguide Fed Wideband Monopole Antenna for RF Energy Harvesting Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 63, 175-184, 2018.

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