Vol. 68
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VLF Monitoring System for Characterizing the Lower Region Ionospheric Layer
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 68, 31-39, 2018
The main objective of the current work is to develop a Very Low Frequency (VLF) monitoring system for characterizing low layer ionosphere. Low layer ionosphere is important for communication, and some researchers stressed that lower layer ionosphere can be a precursor to earthquake event. The VLF monitoring system composed of a 1-m antenna, a preamplifier to amplify the signal, an ADC converter and a data acquisition system. The optimization of 1-m antenna received dual frequencies 19.2 kHz and 19.8 kHz from South Vijayanarayanam, India and North West Cape, Australia, respectively. Subsequently, a low pass filter was designed in the preamplifier to pass VLF signals from 0-30 kHz. The results revealed that the system was able to characterize diurnal variation: sunrise and sunset and detect changes in the lower layer ionosphere region due to Solar activity.
Nur Ain Zakaria, Afifah Taat, Siti Amalina Enche Abdul Rahim, Wan Zul Adli Wan Mokhtar, and Mohamad Huzaimy Bin Jusoh, "VLF Monitoring System for Characterizing the Lower Region Ionospheric Layer," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 68, 31-39, 2018.

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