Vol. 78
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Single Feed Circularly Polarized Antenna Loaded with Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 78, 175-184, 2019
In this paper, complementary split ring resonator (CSRR) based single feed rectangular microstrip antennas are designed for circular polarization. In the first antenna design, two CSRRs are loaded on ground, and for the second design, two CSRRs are loaded on patch with identical orientation of meta-resonators in both cases. CSRRs are used to diminish the resonance frequency of the antenna, and thus the antenna size miniaturization can be achieved. Overall dimensions of the two antennas are (50×50×1.6) mm3, and the impedance bandwidth for S11 < -10 dB exhibits between 2.3 and 2.4 GHz which is useful for wireless communication service. The characteristics of the proposed antennas, i.e., reflection coefficient, axial ratio, gain, and radiation patterns, are observed and compared for the two cases. The proposed two antennas have been designed and simulated using CST Microwave studio 14. Measured reflection coefficient, gain, and radiation pattern are in good agreement with the simulated result.
Soumik Dey, Santanu Mondal, and Partha Pratim Sarkar, "Single Feed Circularly Polarized Antenna Loaded with Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 78, 175-184, 2019.

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