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Wave Propagation in RH/LH Periodic Lumped Circuits Using Iterative Method WCIP
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 82, 29-38, 2019
The negative refractive property of a meta-material medium modeled by an array of localized elements is demonstrated numerically using the iterative method based on the wave concept. This property is used to show the channeling and control of the electromagnetic beam inside the triangular shaped meta-material supports that are interfaced with the conventional positive refractive index supports. WCIP was used to view the electromagnetic behavior of a source placed in a right-hand medium interfaced with another left-hand medium in order to present the properties of the negative refraction.
Mohamed Karim Azizi, Elbellili Taieb, Ali Gharsallah, and Henri Baudrand, "Wave Propagation in RH/LH Periodic Lumped Circuits Using Iterative Method WCIP," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 82, 29-38, 2019.

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