Vol. 98
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Investigations on the Resonant Properties of a New Compact Asymmetric Single Split Resonator for Metamaterial Applications
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 98, 113-122, 2020
This paper presents the resonant properties of a new Asymmetric Single Split Resonator (ASSR) structure for metamaterial applications. The compact uniplanar structure is an asymmetric single split ring resonator with two non-concentric rings. The prototype is fabricated on a substrate of dielectric constant 4.4, loss tangent 0.025, and thickness 1.6 mm and analyzed based on reflection and transmission coefficients and unit cell simulations. The fabricated unit cell of miniaturized ASSR has a footprint area of 0.163ƛ0 x 0.163ƛ0 where ƛ0 is the measured free-space wavelength corresponding to 1.63 GHz. The negative permeability meta-particle is best suited for high-performance multiband bandstop filters, sensors, and RFID applications in advanced communication systems. The paper presents the electric and magnetic responses of ASSR with its constitutive parameters for different field orientations in normal incidence.
Parackattu Viswanathan Anila, Manoj Mani, Remsha Moolat, Raghavan Dinesh, Anju Pradeep, Karavilavadakkethil Chellappan Prakash, and Pezholil Mohanan, "Investigations on the Resonant Properties of a New Compact Asymmetric Single Split Resonator for Metamaterial Applications," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 98, 113-122, 2020.

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