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Dual-Band Complementary Split-Ring Resonator Engraved Rectangular Monopole for GSM and WLAN/WiMAX /5G Sub-6 GHz Band (New Radio Band)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 113, 251-263, 2021
In this paper, a rectangular monopole antenna engraved with a complementary split-ring resonator is proposed for dual-band operation. The proposed antenna is fabricated on an FR4 substrate with a dimension of 20 x 34 x 1.6 mm3. The entire simulation is done using CST EM studio software. The proposed antenna exhibits dual-band operation from 1.78 GHz to 1.90 GHz and from 3.45 GHz to 6.58 GHz. The band from 1.78 GHz to 1.90 GHz is due to the inclusion of CSRR, and its corresponding bandwidth is 120 MHz. It is validated with the quasi-static analysis. The permittivity characteristics of the proposed CSRR are retrieved using the NRW method and presented. The resonant frequency of the band created by the CSRR is 1.83 GHz with -37.68 dB as its return loss values. The second wider band is due to the combination of the mode created by the CSRR along with the radiating patch from 3.45 GHz to 6.58 GHz with 3132 MHz which has a dual resonance at 3.65 GHz and 5.59 GHz with a return loss of -30.23 dB and -29.80 dB. The optimal values are chosen with the help of parametric analysis. The designed antenna is fabricated and measured. The measured results of return loss, gain, E-plane, and H-plane are compared with simulated results, and they are complying with each other. The dual-band operation, compact size, stable radiation pattern along with gain above 2.3 dBi in the whole resonating band make it suitable for the GSM and WLAN/WiMAX/5G Sub-6 GHz band (new radio band).
Samuel Prasad Jones Christydass, and Nagarajan Gunavathi, "Dual-Band Complementary Split-Ring Resonator Engraved Rectangular Monopole for GSM and WLAN/WiMAX /5G Sub-6 GHz Band (New Radio Band)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 113, 251-263, 2021.

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