Vol. 107
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Durable Silicon Rubber-Based Miniaturized Antenna with Concentric Circle Structure for a Medical Telemetry Application
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 107, 155-165, 2022
In this paper, a low-profile flexible antenna using a flexible substrate is presented. The proposed antenna has concentric circle-shaped radiating elements with circular slots to achieve an ISM band. The flexible antenna having dimensions (33 mm x 18 mm x 2 mm) is designed and fabricated on a silicon rubber-based substrate, and measurements were performed to validate the simulation results. The measured and simulated results demonstrate that the antenna radiates at 2.45 GHz center frequency, with a return loss of -24.54. The operating frequency of 2.45 GHz, flexible substrate, and low SAR of 0.0658 W/Kg confirm that the proposed antenna is suitable for medical telemetry applications.
Navin M. George, and Thomas Anita Jones Mary Pushpa, "Durable Silicon Rubber-Based Miniaturized Antenna with Concentric Circle Structure for a Medical Telemetry Application," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 107, 155-165, 2022.

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