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Generation of Spatially-Variant Anisotropic Metamaterials in 3D Volumetric Circuits
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 134, 93-102, 2023
3D printing is revolutionizing manufacturing and is now being considered in the electronics industry. The creation of the first 3D volumetric circuit (3DVC) has created a way to make circuits smaller, lighter, into unconventional form factors and exploit physics like anisotropy more effectively than planar geometries can. While this is exciting, many problems mustbe solved to make 3DVCs a reality. One of these problems is electromagnetic interference and mutual coupling between components that are expected to be highly problematic in high-frequency 3DVCs. Spatially-variant anisotropic metamaterials (SVAMs) could be a solution to overcome this difficulty, but research in this area is not possible without a way to generate SVAMs around multiple components. In this paper, an algorithm is integrated into CAD software that can generate SVAMs for 3D circuits which will enable future studies of SVAMs.
Asad U. H. Gulib, Jeremie Dumas, Cesar L. Valle, Edgar Bustamante, Daniele Panozzo, and Raymond C. Rumpf, "Generation of Spatially-Variant Anisotropic Metamaterials in 3D Volumetric Circuits," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 134, 93-102, 2023.

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