Vol. 106
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Period Doubling Analysis on the SBD in Microwave Transmission Line
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 106, 121-128, 2022
A simple electromagnetic system composed by a Schottky barrier diode (SBD) and linear lossless microstrip line is introduced in this paper. The period doubling phenomenon in this circuit system is studied following the train of thought, which is adopted in the field of the driven Resistor-Inductor-Diode (RLD) series circuit. The related phenomenon and its origins have been studied extensively in RLD circuit. However, it will not be able to exhibit period doubling and chaos if SBD is applied in RLD circuit. We show period doubling phenomena in a microwave circuit containing SBD for the first time. This paper reveals that the given circuit can produce cycle period doubling at microwave frequency by means of simulations and experiments. Physical verification and theoretical explanation have been given in this paper.
Yong Xia, and Xiao-Wei Shi, "Period Doubling Analysis on the SBD in Microwave Transmission Line," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 106, 121-128, 2022.

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