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DOA Estimation Based on Extended Array Using Cyclic Spectral Components
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 120, 103-107, 2024
The paper addresses how to improve the degree of freedom of array for DOA (direction of arrival) estimation. According to the DOA estimation model for cyclostationary signal, a method of constructing virtual extended array based on two cyclic spectral components using a single uniform linear array and a method of estimating DOA based on the virtual array are proposed. Firstly, two array receiving data matrices of uniform linear arrays are constructed by using cyclic autocorrelation function of two different cyclic frequencies. Then, the array receiving data matrix of the virtual nested array is constructed by the Kronecker product of the two linear array receiving data matrices. Through virtual expansion, an M2-dimensional array receiving data matrix is obtained based on a uniform linear array of M-array elements, so that the direction of arrival of M2-1 sources can be estimated. It breaks the limitation of array degrees of freedom. Finally, the direction finding model for the virtual nested array is formulated, and the compressed sensing algorithm is used to estimate the DOAs of sources. Through computational simulation experiments, the performance of the algorithm is verified.
Zhangsheng Wang, Shuiwei Liu, and Lei Tang, "DOA Estimation Based on Extended Array Using Cyclic Spectral Components," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, Vol. 120, 103-107, 2024.

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