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A Novel Wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna with Non-Uniform Feed Based on Model Predictive
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 89, 101-109, 2020
A novel wideband microstrip patch antenna with nonuniform transmission line feed is presented using model predictive control. Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) is used to achieve a nonuniform transmission line that matches with the microstrip patch antenna. The transmission line is extended using cosine expansion with the impedance differential equation then being used as the dynamic NMPC equation to find the unknown coefficients of that cosine expansion. The transmission line is designed such that the impedance of the input port matches the impedance of the microstrip antenna at the resonance frequency and its adjacent frequencies. The proposed antenna's impedance is 5.15-5.85 GHz. In this bandwidth, the radiation pattern is stable; the cross polarization and back lobe are -30 dB and -20 dB respectively. The error in the impedance bandwidth is about 4.2%. The simulation and measurement results are considered satisfactory.
Maryam Farahani, and Sajad Mohammad-Ali-Nezhad, "A Novel Wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna with Non-Uniform Feed Based on Model Predictive," Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, Vol. 89, 101-109, 2020.

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