Vol. 42
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Application of Bionics in Frequency Selective Surface Design and Antenna Radar Cross Section Reduction
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 42, 29-38, 2013
Bionics principle is applied to frequency selective surface (FSS) design in this paper. To authenticate the method, a novel bionic and miniaturized FSS is proposed by use of a model of alternate phyllotaxis. The simulated and measured results show that the proposed FSS has a much smaller size and maintains other FSS-related performances. To study the applications of the novel bionic FSS in practice, it is used for the ground plane of an antenna array to reduce the antenna radar cross section (RCS). Compared to a reference antenna, the antenna with bionic FSS has lower RCS and favorable radiation performance. Hence, applying bionics principle to FSS design and antenna RCS reduction is proved feasible, which will serve as a good candidate for the future design of FSS and antennas with or without a requirement of RCS control.
Wen Jiang, Tao Hong, and Shu-Xi Gong, "Application of Bionics in Frequency Selective Surface Design and Antenna Radar Cross Section Reduction," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 42, 29-38, 2013.

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