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A Tunable Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure Using Plasma
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 50, 113-120, 2014
A tunable electromagnetic-bangap (EBG) structure based on a double layer slotline using plasma is proposed. The plasma permittivity can be tuned by the electron density. The idea of integrating periodical plasma elements inside the slot to tune the stopband is investigated. An electron density and an electron collision frequency equal to 1.75 1013 cm-3 and 1010 s-1 respectively, are the plasma parameters selected in this study. The simulations reveal a shift rate of the second stopband equal to 6%. A new configuration of the structure is also proposed to adapt it better to the experimental requirements. Based on the simulation results, adding the plasma elements to the modified configuration shifts the stopband 4% and reduces its bandwidth by 43% (at -20 dB).
Asma Kallel, Jérôme Sokoloff, Thierry Callegari, and Olivier Pigaglio, "A Tunable Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure Using Plasma," Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 50, 113-120, 2014.

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